Utility Accounts

tower - CopyCreate an Account:
New to the City of Yelm or moving to a new address? The City of Yelm provides quality water, sewer and stormwater service to residents. Go online for a utility application or visit our offices at City Hall to set up these services. 

 Application for Service:

To open a water utility account with the City of Yelm, return the utility application to City Hall, along with your identification.  Please allow 24 hours to connect a new service. Renters are not able to open a utility account. 

If you are the owner of a rental unit, you have option to open the utility account in your name or place the account in the tenant’s name as a courtesy. The homeowner must complete the application and you will receive a duplicate copy of delinquent bills. The tenant will receive the monthly billing.

If you use a property management company to manage your rental, you can authorize the property manager to transfer the account in your absence, please submit the property management agreement to the City if this is the case.

Disconnect Services:

To disconnect your utility account, please complete and return the disconnect application. It can be returned via email or filled out in our offices. A final bill will be generated on the first of the following month and posted to the account. 

Landlords and property managers are able to disconnect services on their tenant's behalf and leave the water on. All others will be disconnected and turned off on the date listed on the disconnect application.

All charges stay with the property. If tenants fail to pay their final balance, the account must be brought current before new tenants can be enrolled. Following 90 days, all delinquent tenant balances will be moved to landlord accounts. 

If you experience a water or sewer malfunction or if your alarm comes on,  call
For all other emergencies or if you are unable to get through, call 911.