Tree Regulations

Tree Trimming Regulations
Avoid Penalties, Don’t Damage Public Trees

Before you have trees trimmed or removed on your property, please contact the Community Development Department at 360-458-3244

The City of Yelm has proudly been recognized as a National Arbor Day Foundation “Tree City” since 1997. We would like to continue working with business owners and leasers to ensure the beauty of the city and its trees are protected and maintained for the betterment of our community.

It is a violation of the Yelm Unified Development Code to Top, cut, or prune public trees. Major pruning includes the trimming or cutting back of limbs two inches in diameter or greater, root pruning, or trimming or cutting out of branches and limbs constituting greater than 10 percent of the tree’s foliage-bearing area, and conducted in a manner that retains the natural form of the tree.

“Topping” is defined as the severe cutting back of limbs to stubs larger than three inches in diameter within the tree’s crown to such a degree so as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the tree.

Improper removal or destruction of a public tree will result in a civil penalty of up to $250.00 per violation, per day the violations continue or further enforcement action through court of competent jurisdiction.

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Street Tree List1 document

  • Street Tree List
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Street Tree Planting Diagram1 document

  • Street Tree Planting Diagram
    document seq 0.00